Highest Rated Comments

dingobaby9224 karma

Forgive me, but I'm currently studying for an exam for one of my anthropology classes, and seeing how you're working in ecology/environmental thingies...
Do you work with conservation groups, or conservation projects in general? If so, how do you feel about the current set up of these groups and the work they're doing (as in the people vs. "nature" mentality, or that people are inherently bad for "nature")?
Sorry if that didn't make sense or doesn't apply!
P.S. I think you're probably the coolest guy ever. I have you tagged as Sloth King and am always super excited to read your posts :)

dingobaby922 karma

As a fellow Canadian, you sir, are awesome.
I'd raise a pint to you, if I had one. I only have a mug of orange juice right now though, so that'll have to do.