Highest Rated Comments

diego-d177 karma

How you know if you look presentable before you leave for the morning?

diego-d74 karma

Holy shit, that is next level commitment. They still together?

diego-d10 karma

Facing exactly the same situation myself with my father. What does getting tested as a donor involve? How do they determine if you're a match, or not a match? And are there any tests done to test the donor's susceptibility to developing kidney disease in the future in which case it wouldn't be ideal to donate if there was a high probability (No idea if such a test exists but would seem prudent). Is there any reduction to life expectancy for the donor?

diego-d3 karma

How has your sex life been on the trip? Haha sorry, it does say ask me 'anything'. I guess what I'm saying more specifically is a lot of guys have a fantasy of doing exactly what you're doing and doing plenty of "socializing" in different countries no strings attached. Just wondering if your trip has been fun in that regard or if it's too difficult when staying in hostels etc

diego-d2 karma

What kind of laptop specs do you need to be able to code?