Highest Rated Comments

did_you_read_it349 karma

so what makes your app superior to the JHU map?


did_you_read_it188 karma

used tampons

ಠ_ಠ NOPE

did_you_read_it28 karma

Cool, though esoteric. as of this post would you still use the USAFacts or has JHU caught up?

did_you_read_it15 karma

Each dataset is slightly different, and having more than a single "canonical" dataset provides the fullest information to public officials,

Sure more is good and different maps show different things. So in your opinion where does your data or visualization excel over the existing sets, or where does it fill in the blanks? In what cases would I be better served using the USAFacts dataset? In what cases should one not start with the USAFacts, cases where they might be better served by another dataset?

did_you_read_it-38 karma

Best guess is the Dems will cave. oddly enough I think it hurts them more than the Reps for holding out with the stupid wall.

Trump won't cave, he has no reason to there aren't any consequences for him not caving.

Best case would be enough republicans switching sides on the matter that they can muster a vote to go over Trump's head.