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diamondpredator87 karma

That's what I was thinking too. Also, this isn't going to change what society deems sexy, it's just going to attract the people that would already think this was sexy.

I don't wanna sound mean, but the headline here is just clickbait.

diamondpredator60 karma

I may be able to shed some light on this via my experience working with Russian people and being around Russian culture (I'm Armenian).

Russians tend to be very stoic and tend to apply brute force "just work harder" method to many things. This can, of course, backfire in certain cases but I think it works well with academia. There are no secrets, if they run into something difficult their response is to just power through. Wanna be better at math? Do more math and study more. That's it.

It's not a satisfactory answer to many in the Western world because our culture has told us there's always some easier way to do things or some secret that, when discovered, will make everything fall into place magically. Nope, not the case, especially for math.

Hope I helped.

diamondpredator58 karma

Yea scent work tires my boy out really quickly (working line shepherd) while he can run for hours until he literally faints from exhaustion. 20 minutes of intense scent work and he's panting like he just ran 20 miles.

You can also combine physical and mental stimulation. For instance, I play a lot of tug with my dog. He can't really play fetch the traditional way because he goes WAY to hard at it and rips up his paws (we play on soft grass). So he plays tug and I give him commands when his drive is peaked. I tell him to drop the tug, perform tricks, go to specific places, then come back and continue. Him having to temper his drive from peak to low tires him out fast.

The important thing though is that he ALWAYS wins at tug to boost his confidence and ensure that he's doing the right thing. Behind all of this is the establishment of the fact that the tug and ball (his two absolute favorite things in the world) are MY toys and I'm allowing him to play with them. He doesn't just have open access to them.

diamondpredator26 karma

Kind of blunt but I have very strong feelings on this subject.

As you should. You're right, the current standards are ridiculous and laughable.

diamondpredator24 karma

Same thing happens with my working like GSD. He's picked up on commands just based on context. So things like "go outside" and "leave the room" aren't things I've even taught him specifically, he just understood it one day when I blurted it out.