Highest Rated Comments

diablo190333 karma

I'd rather just have a few hundred people who actually cared about my art and wanted to support me.

tbh it was mostly a joke

So which is it? A joke, or do you want people who dont support you to not care?

diablo190311 karma

I've been developing a spiritual successor to Minecraft and MMORPGs

Can you explain what developing a successor to an entire genre entails? Are you able to provide any examples?

It currently just looks like youve just made a server/lobby based matchmaking system and for some reason have claimed it to be a successor to MMORPGs as a whole.

Honestly this seems very self-aggrandizing.

diablo190310 karma

No offense, but what sort of advice could possibly be worth 70$ an hour?

I assume it's just going to be pretty standard stuff like, some minor description changes and to get better photos - which I think everyone is aware of.

So I guess I'm asking what makes you unique from any sort of free advice people offer online?

diablo190310 karma

Imagine paying 70$ to be told "sorry, you're just ugly"

diablo19038 karma

You mentioned you were a natural Ectomorph, do you still find yourself having to forcefully maintain your calorie consumption or did it just blend into the natural routine of your day?

Basically, if you stopped trying to maintain your current body type, do you think you would regress back to being thin?

What was your main motivation that drove you to gain weight?