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decimated_napkin518 karma

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but I feel like not controlling for occupation when assessing pay differences is more disingenuous than controlling for it. Yes, it's possible that women are choosing to not go into certain fields due to prejudice, but it's also possible that they simply don't like those fields for other reasons. Who are we to say? Since we don't know which it is, it would make sense to me to exclude that division from consideration and go with the method that would generally make the most sense, which in this case would be controlling for occupation.

decimated_napkin17 karma

Dr. Peterson, thanks for doing this AMA. I have been kicking an idea around for a while now that I'd like to get your thoughts on if possible. I believe that conservatives tend to identify with the material world while liberals identify more with the mind. Take for instance abortion. Conservatives oppose it because their definition of what is human revolves around the genesis of their physical form, whereas liberals base it more around when they can have some amount of conscious thought, experience of pain, etc. (and therefore choose something closer to the 22 week mark). Another example is transgender identity. Conservatives tend to dismiss transgender identity because on a physical, chromosomal level people cannot change their sex. Again, liberals identify with the mind and therefore contend that the person is a different sex now because that sex is how they consciously experience themselves to be. Thoughts?

decimated_napkin11 karma

Do you work closely with Robert McNamara? I met him at an IHS seminar, he's a great guy. Wish you all the best in your continued efforts to fight for the people. If you ever need some help with data analysis of any kind please feel free to reach out!

decimated_napkin9 karma

Pro tip: If there is only one possible value that can be looked up, and it is a numerical value, you can just do a sumifs and that will work.

decimated_napkin6 karma

Haha that's awesome. It was great getting to know him, just a really down to earth personable guy.