Highest Rated Comments

deathbow10 karma

Hi Jane! I am also an international conference speaker re: games and I wonder...at what point is it possible/appropriate to charge honorariums for speaking engagements (at present, I usually have to go to these at least partially on my own dime), and how might doing so affect my invitations? Thanks much! MAD respect, sister...total disciple here. (~Heidi McDonald)

deathbow8 karma

The first year I went to GDC, I put the whole damned thing on my credit card, thinking it would be an investment. I got my first game job as a direct result of being there, and the networking was invaluable. My suggestion would be, find a way to go, even if you have to credit card it. These kinds of investments, early on, DO PAY OFF, at least it did for me. :)

deathbow5 karma

Thanks, I actually didn't know, this is my first time on Reddit, ever. I joined to participate in Jane's AMA. ;)

deathbow3 karma

Who are the designers and design authors you look up to?

deathbow2 karma

Have you ever been trolled for being a woman in games, and how did you deal with it and/or respond to it?