Highest Rated Comments

death_by_wolves74 karma

Seconding the rec for "A Certain Kind of Death". Absolutely worth a watch.

death_by_wolves37 karma

Hi Caitlin! Longtime fan!

My father-in-law has previously expressed a desire for a simple, natural burial, though I think in this case he means it as a way not to be burdensome ("leave me in the woods to rot" as a cost-saving measure). I think it's not something he views as actually possible, and that it's said sort of cynically. His views are also what I'd call considerably more conservative than mine, and I feel like he'd be surprised to find out that I'm probably the biggest advocate he'd have, if that was really what he wanted.

Your whole movement has always felt very progressive to me, and you've talked about how the status quo of the death industry itself isn't exactly what you'd describe as forward thinking. I feel like a lot of the trappings of it might be the sort of thing that gets people rolling their eyes at our generation (what are the millennials trying to DIY NOW? an organic, all natural funeral? somehow silk lined caskets aren't good enough for the snowflakes? etc.)

Is it ever hard to reconcile the sort of millennial DIY spirit of this movement with the fact that it really advocates a return to the traditional?