Highest Rated Comments

deadharts8 karma

Is the sense of smell thing always paired with this condition? I often wonder about myself (22yr old male, 5'7, have pubic hair/armpits/tiny amount of chin and can grow a whispy tash, none on my chest or stomach) If I have an extremely low testosterone level, people still say I look about 16/17 now and it's always bothered me.

deadharts3 karma

I had no idea about that, thanks again!

deadharts2 karma

I guess you do have to be pretty thick skinned, I'm a young person who lives in London and I have to really thank the work you do, especially the night patrols, you've put my anxiety at ease many a night walk home.

deadharts2 karma

Have you ever had a member of the public insult you and then sometime in the future have to respond to an emergency call from them?

deadharts-1 karma

Can you grow another foot?