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davegirouard24 karma

There are 2 types of people in the world - those who admit to having googled themselves, and liars.

davegirouard9 karma

Absolutely not. G+ has a pretty huge and hardcore following. Might not have achieved the broad mainstream adoption of FB yet, but the level and quality of engagement on G+ is better than I've seen anywhere.

Seems to be really becoming a place to go when you have passion for a particular topic or domain or hobby - started with photographers but there's all sorts of communities finding a foothold on G+.

davegirouard9 karma

Start by writing software now - if you're not already doing it in school, there's tons of ways to learn to write software online (CodeAcademy is a great one).

davegirouard8 karma

more of a hardware choice than anything. my android phone had lame battery life. The USB charging was always flaky for me - connector would get broken and some chargers didn't work etc.

I also really dislike all the craplications that the carriers put on Android phones. So nexus phones were only real option - and see above.

davegirouard8 karma

Tough call. We debated the issue regularly. And I was gone before that decision was made. Makes sense to get companies when they're small, but what if companies of that size represent a huge fraction of the market? No simple answer here, but having businesses pay for something of value makes intuitive sense to me.