Highest Rated Comments

datchika42 karma

Oh my god. This is the first time ive heard anyone talk about these. Is it the same thing that makes the back of your throat taste bad (doing a motion with my tongue helps me taste it), if that makes sense? Im so curious to talk about it with someone aha

datchika2 karma

Damn the world is such a harsh reality, it saddens me that people are living to “survive” as you said before. Thanks for the answer I hope things get better. I donated to your Kofi- you should put that link in the post itself so more people can see it!

datchika2 karma

Thought I’d say your english is actually amazing. If I didnt know otherwise, I would say you’re a native english speaker

datchika1 karma

That’s crazy, I didn’t know things in Venezuela were that bad. As a Canadian there hasnt been much news coverage of your country except for a while back when the protests were going on. So when did things get this bad? What was life like in Venezuela before? So are the hospitals in your country virtually not functioning? Like is it that there are no resources/medicine available or that you have to pay a lot for them? Do you have a favourite movie? I really do wish you the best of luck.