Highest Rated Comments

datakid18 karma

I would suggest that everyone needs to learn the ropes somewhere - witness Wyatt Roy. Everyone's politics change over time too - look at Adam's history! I support politicians of all ages. I think that they would be well supported by their staff and colleagues.

Most importantly - it's valuable to make sure that young people feel that they are represented in Parliament (Sarah Hansen Young or Natassha Stott DeSpoya are other good examples).

If you look at the work done by teh Greens Senator from WA...Scott Ludlum - you are seeing the only politician addressing ideas like PRISM and online privacy.

datakid17 karma


datakid14 karma

Really? He was running because they weren't otherwise going to run anyone. And then he unexpectedly won. Imagine if your local Green candidate unexpectedly won - would you feel disappointed or elated? Do we love Silverchair and Jesse Martin and Marita Cheng? Yes we do! (not me personally, but as a nation) edit Ok, I'm hip to Marita.

datakid9 karma


You have the High Speed Rail portfolio.

Can you give the cliff's notes on the reasoning behind, the costings of and the (non party political) roadblocks to it's implementation?

datakid8 karma

You don't think that Ludlum or Bandt are charismatic leaders? It doesn't happen over night - Brown wasn't considered as such in his first term either...You have to give it time.

For a counter example, look at video of John Howard when he was first elected compared to at the end of his tenure - his media manner improved dramatically, as did his charisma. People need time to grow into their roles.