Highest Rated Comments

datafox005 karma


Thank you for this as it sounds very interesting.

Is there any socioeconomic connection to WTC?

Where did you get the idea for this study, was it during your time in the UK or HK?

datafox002 karma

I really enjoyed the Nathan show, it should be more regular.

If you had to cook a Pokemon, which one would it be and how would it be served?

datafox002 karma

Thank you for all the fun teardowns. They are always amusing and informative.

If you had to use a lens as clobbering tool, which one would you pick for durability and effectiveness to smack someone with?

datafox001 karma

Was it painful to lose to Conan button mashing in Injustice?

It would be harder but will you do mobile games? Have Conan walk around with a 3DS.

datafox001 karma

What kind of peaches? As a person of Chinese decent also I always think of white peaches as my favorite.