Highest Rated Comments

datadoc18 karma

Hi Birgitta! I just heard about the huge dataleak that icij.org has been processing - something like 200 Gb of secret financial transactions through the Virgin Islands - exposing arms traders, fraudsters and wealthy tax cheats. It's exciting!

datadoc13 karma

I understand that any institution can be corrupted, which is why we need full transparency. An example of why we need transparency would be tens of billions of dollars gone missing in secret transactions during the Iraq War. What do you think about setting up cooperative, non-profit alternatives to government to provide health care and banking services without a profit motive? Set up to be transparent from the start?

datadoc11 karma

We are all about open-source where I work, at the public library. We use open-source Koha for library catalog, and open-source Drupal for our website. I am very interested in open-source technology and hardware, like open patents. New public licenses are being developed, like Creative Commons and GPL3, so we can reclaim intellectual space from corporations. Can you suggest any resources in this area?