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dashauskat69 karma

Total earnings for the year?

dashauskat20 karma

Tbf she just responded coaches are not for mental health at all; and your response is "chiropractors of mental health"?

If you need help for mental health you should see a professional and it is good to be sceptical as there are plenty of charlatans out there. But really all I see these coaches claiming is the service is about goal setting, accountability and problem solving; which I do not see the need for a 4 year degree for.

The way I see it if you are a soccer player who wanted to improve their dribbling, passing and shooting you might employ a soccer coach; however if you employ any old yahoo from Google they may not know any more about soccer than you do, so it would be better to spend a bit of time asking friends, seeking quality references that a certain soccer coach has a decent history at making players better. If you want to eat better/exercise more, be more organised, form a new habit etc. you might go to a coach where as anything to do with depression, anxiety or if your relationship is in trouble then you should go see a professional.