Highest Rated Comments

darthstupidious187 karma

The lead actor is a bit of a wanker, though. Charlie's cousin.

I sincerely hope you don't start Redditing more often, Travis. Simply because you'd start hoarding all of the karma like Ragnar hoards baby goats.

darthstupidious138 karma

"Hey guys, how long have I been standing here?"

"For like a second."


darthstupidious124 karma

Hey, let's try and talk about Rampart some more...

darthstupidious66 karma

Now Vargas is posting Expanse memes.

2017 really has a little bit of everything, I guess.

darthstupidious46 karma

Anyone can say what they will about Kevin Smith... but the guy has got a HELL of a retirement plan. And he's doing it before he's even close to 50. Fucking bad-ass.