Highest Rated Comments

dart1236 karma

Good afternoon, Mr. Rothkopf. In your recent article on FP about [unrestricted internet access as a human right](foreignpolicy.com/2015/02/02/unrestricted-internet-access-human-rights-technology-constitution/), you mentioned the Constitution's inability to adapt at the same pace of the world's change (something I agree with for the record).

As someone with experience in the world of politics, do you have any suggestions or ideas for how this may be remodied? Thanks again for taking the time for this AMA!

dart1232 karma

Hello, Mr. Tabata! Myself and others have been looking forward to Type-0 ever since it was known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII and part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation. Given the change in name and Versus being dubbed Final Fantasy XV, is FNC over? Was the story for Type-0 changed to reflect the name change?

Thanks again for your time and we're all looking forward to playing Type-0!