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danmolson38 karma

I have a bit of a plan. I am currently working on getting some acting roles in TV and Film. I started about a year ago doing BG work...which isn't technically Acting, but a great place to learn what being on set is all about. Muese Productions in Ottawa has decided to represent me, and are working their tails off getting me auditions.

On the music front, I've always had a love/hate relationship. But I think I have been looking in the wrong direction. Sometimes you need to create what is really inside you, and I think for me they are comedic songs. So after feeling a little validated by the response to If You Don't Like What I'm Doing

I'm also rather enjoying writing short comedy sketches and learning about film making. I guess I have a full plate! Thanks for the question.

danmolson26 karma

I tried playing the penny stocks years ago. I even bought investing for dummies. But working in construction and raising 4 kids didn't leave much room for investment capital. I sucked at it though. I am definitely not even remotely an investing pro, and the limited experience I did have were failures lol.

My buddy was into investing while he was in college in the early 2000s...2001 to be exact. Even back then he was trying to teach me about options etc. But I guess I didn't let it sink in because of the lack of capital. I should have listened. He has been quite successful....not his full-time job. So after this long-winded speech....the answer is NO lol.

danmolson16 karma

I think it goes back to 2018, when I saw the state of Wall Street, and what I see as "bad" practices. I wouldn't say I have disdain, more of a feeling, which I think is shared by many, that the system is flawed...and it's been revealed in a big way. I do think there are going to be unwanted ramifications from all of this. But, let's face it, these stock manipulations have been happening for years...just between the few.

That being said, I do believe in a free market. And, I am more of an artist watching what is going on right now. This song, to me, is more than just telling the institution that we have had enough, it's also about being tired of shut downs (I understand why we have them) and just the world being an judgy place right now. I made the video, because I believe right now, this is what people are saying. But, it can be applied to anything really. The current movement just seemed like a logical first step in sharing the song with the world.

danmolson15 karma

Ahhhh it's my old buddy himself! And here I thought you were an expert stocksmith!

danmolson8 karma

Hahahahahah Nope. I did however answer that very question earlier with some funny tales I have done using my last name...well at least I think they are interesting and funny.