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dangerousnd2004610 karma

Be a minority

dangerousnd2004134 karma

Well they're not a minority to the college admissions folks because doing well in school and working hard is no longer a requirement for admissions

dangerousnd200439 karma

No... Prostate develops under the direction of testosterone which she doesn't not respond to this giving her no external genitalia. The more internal structures, such as testes, vans deferens, seminal vesicles develop based on mullerian inhibiting substance, so they will be developed to varying degrees due to the lack of response to testosterone.

dangerousnd200418 karma

The risk for testicular cancer is actually less than a regular woman getting breast cancer. It's around 1 percent. The issue is that, like ovarian cancer, there's no screening for it which is why some urologists jump towards removal, that and many patients with disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD), the modern term for intersection, have high rates of testicular cancer. Interestingly, DSD without testicular tissue does not have higher rates of ovarian cancer, however, undeveloped gonads in patients with DSD have high risk of gonadoblastona and should be removed. The short hand rule is worry about DSD patients with Undescended testes, and relax if they're chromasomes are xx. That doesn't fit all comers though as you know. Just a rule of thumb. Just to be clear, you don't need your's removed especially considering life long replacement therapy has its own risks

dangerousnd200417 karma

Doing surgery with any movement would be challenging to say the least. I haven't done any at sea but I've done lots of surgery. I don't like the idea of someone or something moving me about at all while I operate. Also I get terribly sea sick. I think me barfing in the patient would be poor form. Thoughts?