Highest Rated Comments

danceswithshelves94 karma

what he did is disgusting. She swore once, by accident (didn't know anyone had picked up) and he went off the hook because of it. He then called her an "ass" and a "buffoon". What a terrible person to do that to someone when their father is lying on the floor unconscious. And then to get her ARRESTED? Disgusting behaviour. He should have lost his job.

danceswithshelves12 karma

We have now!

danceswithshelves9 karma

I have to say that I am amazed at technology nowadays... the fact you have ANY hand at all is a medical marvel. I am so sorry this happened to you and I can't even fathom the pain you've gone through but I think your hand looks really cool and maybe that isn't the right thing to say but I am just so impressed with what they were able to do.

danceswithshelves8 karma

I've tried so hard to master the Linda voice and I fucking cannot for the life of me. John Roberts is a magical, magical man.

danceswithshelves5 karma

Hope you had fun performing.