Highest Rated Comments

danamongden4 karma

Gear: What brushes do you use? How many do you have hooked up and live during a typical session?

Air: What is your air supply? Personally, I use a 20lb CO2 tank, and as such, I don't feel safe painting inside due to the risk of tank failure. So I mostly paint at outdoor events. If you use a compressor, does the sound ever become an issue? What PSI do you have your regulator set for?

Paint: What paints do you use? Who is your supplier? How do you determine their safety for skin? How easily do they clean off?

danamongden2 karma

Thanks for the note on the pressure. I have a bottom-fed iwata that's always jamming up on the darker alcohol paints (i.e. black). I've been painting at about 20psi, but I'll try 30-35 to see if that helps.

danamongden2 karma

Body hair (even the tiny little stuff that's normally invisible) is always messing up my own bodypainting because it grabs the paint so well. How do you deal with it? Or is this one of those things that only the painter sees because of the different viewing distances?