Highest Rated Comments

damniticant67 karma

I think like how your unhelpful response got more upvotes than Amber’s

damniticant8 karma

John madden John madden John madden

damniticant7 karma

That isotope de-mouth noise plugin is an absolute life saver. Nothing like it out there that I was able to find.

damniticant4 karma

I sent you a DM with her site, but I’d bet others in this AMA would love to hear about how you personally made the leap!

damniticant3 karma

As George mentioned the izotope mouth click plugin is amazing but pricy since you have to buy a full suite (worth it though cause there’s a lot of other things you get in those bundles).

However, I did have some luck previously using this free audacity plugin: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/updated-de-clicker-and-new-de-esser-for-speech/34283

The downside is that you have to bounce the audio from your DAW then declick it, vs it just being a real time plugin.