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dagbrown336 karma

I live in Japan. Patriotic Japanese people are also seen as being "right-wing" and "extremist". Any time you see anyone brandishing a bunch of flags, you can safely assume that they're in a noise truck with some guy advocating ejecting all foreigners from the country, and there is a nonzero chance that the guy with the noise truck was actually enlisted by the local organized crime syndicates to force some nearby party to pay his protection racket fees, or quite possibly to settle some unrelated argument. In Japan, you can enlist the organized criminals to help you settle a dispute, and they do so by sending political extremists out to espouse their stupid opinions and by doing so, embarrass you. In short, nothing is ever as simple as it seems.

The vast majority of Japanese people are absolutely fine with foreigners living in Japan, so long as they obey the laws and follow the rules (these two things not necessarily being the same thing of course). In fact, most Japanese people appreciate a bit of diversity. There is just a small core of extremist right-wing patriots who think that Commodore Perry was the worst thing that ever happened to Japan, but they happen to have megaphones, so people overestimate their influence.

dagbrown93 karma

They did the same with my leg when I broke it. And they also put a giant sock on the other one.

Anything which makes it harder to make mistakes is okay by me.

dagbrown74 karma

And getting their asses kicked by a bunch of teenagers.

dagbrown73 karma

Caligula, obviously. Start at the bottom and work your way up.

dagbrown26 karma

Look in the lyric sheet. The line that gives it away is written as:

I hope He ↑ will understand