Highest Rated Comments

dag18934 karma

Dude. Mimes don't talk.

dag18932 karma

Haha, my thoughts exactly! Glad to know we're on the same page.

My plan is to couple the book with a speaking tour at local high schools. If that goes well, undergrads are next.

I know that my message can benefit people of all ages, and I want to get the word out. I feel that initial sales from the younger crowd will give me much more credibility.

dag18932 karma

Thank you for this AMA. Very inspiring, as I'm hoping to follow a path very similar to yours.

I'm currently working corporate IT by day and writing my first book at night and on the weekends (have about 13K words written). It's in the self-help, happiness-and-success genre.

Here's my question. I'll be 24 when I self-publish and start marketing and selling my book. How do you think the world will perceive a self-help book written by a 24 year old?

dag18932 karma

Well said. Thanks very much!