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d4rthw4ffl3s-16 karma

I recognize that this may be an entirely unpopular opinion, especially on a thread such as this, but my wife and I have declined to vaccinate our children. Our first got nearly a full round (where we felt we were bullied from our then-pediatrician), second got under a half before odd symptoms began developing, and the third will get no vaccinations whatsoever. What most people don't understand is that, like any illness or medication, reactions are subjective to the individual. There are a great many preservatives and contaminants laced in most vaccines, ranging from relatively harmless to carcinogenic. Some are safer than others, of course. I completely understand your resentment toward anti-vaccination groups (and no, my wife and I have no idea who the individual you mentioned is--we simply do our own research, read the labels and ingredients, and pay close attention to typical side-effects of the medications our children ingest) but to vilify all parents who do not vaccinate seems a little excessive to me. I'm well aware of the pro-vaccination community here at Reddit, but what I'd like to say is this: "I really believe ignorance isn't an excuse in today's day and age," you wrote; yet you have no knowledge of the harmful history of the Polio vaccine (and, I'd venture to guess, the others as well). The point remains the same in this instance, methinks. Before conducting an "IAmA" about a relatively controversial subject, I think it's entirely appropriate to be informed about all aspects of the content, not just those that you're biased towards. Either way, I'm profoundly sorry you've had to endure such hardships. Godspeed.