Highest Rated Comments

cydereal10 karma

I live in HB and supported you in the primary. What a close race!

In 2016, Democrats seemed to run on a "look at how bad my opponent is" strategy that didn't drive turnout. I'm concerned that in 2018, pointing out obvious facts like Dana is trash or Russian interference is bad will be used as the same proxies. "Aren't you outraged, vote for me" is not going to get 18-28 year olds out to vote.

How prepared are you for making Dana look like a dinosaur on global warming, on student debt, and on the ever-rising cost of housing?

cydereal8 karma

You were great at IPL4, particularly as MC for the GSTL finals. Keep up the good work!

I wanted to ask you: how do you and the other IPL staff go about raising your knowledge of the bleeding-edge metagame? The one thing I think Artosis brings to a cast that nobody else does is an intimate knowledge of what players are likely to do at a given time.

cydereal3 karma

Where will Spurs finish this season?

What city in the world is most fun for finding weird crimes?

cydereal2 karma

Steve: my game came out at the same time on XBLIG. It has been awesome seeing Beat Hazard everywhere. Perfect for iPad on the plane!

Are you still using XNA for future development?

cydereal1 karma

Great to see Sonny score out here in LA!

Atlanta somehow not shocking haha.