Highest Rated Comments

cycle_of_fists35 karma

Yeah, the "daddys" are also called Loverboys. Very common method.

And you, madam, are a wonderful example of human bravery, dignity, courage and survival. I wish you could know how many people would be so proud of you. Well done on enduring, well done on escaping, well done on researching, well done on speaking out. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us.

cycle_of_fists15 karma

What happened to him? (Thanks a tonne for this AMA)

cycle_of_fists9 karma

Good on you Norway. Sweden too, yeah?

cycle_of_fists8 karma

Shit. Conversely, in Australia our laws are so lax it's easy enough for known human traffickers to get a license. Somehow I suspect that the solution is not in policy making, but addressing the root causes which leave people so vulnerable to trafficking--namely, poverty.

cycle_of_fists6 karma

There really are good, kind, safe men out there, I promise you x o o