Highest Rated Comments

cworsh45 karma

Jason, I love your Vimeo channel and your general enthusiasm for life. I'll just run off a few questions, and you can answer what you want.

  1. Who are the thinkers who have influenced you most?
  2. Which books would you recommend to someone interested in learning more about your philosophies?
  3. You talk a lot about 'turning into gods.' Do you leave any room in your beliefs for some already existent divine force that's governing all we experience? If so, how do you think he/she/it feels about us becoming gods?
  4. You've been called, and called yourself, a 'techno-optimist.' Do events like the attacks at the Boston Marathon or, more relative to tech itself, the prevalence of drone killings, for example, make you wonder if advancing technology isn't actually the end of us?
  5. If I failed to stat that last question eloquently enough as to inspire any coherent answer, just give me your opinion on this quote by Robert Penn Warren and I think you'll have answered it:

"“The end of man is knowledge, but there is one thing he can't know. He can't know whether knowledge will save him or kill him. He will be killed, all right, but he can't know whether he is killed because of the knowledge which he has got or because of the knowledge which he hasn't got and which if he had it, would save him.”

― Robert Penn Warren, All the King’s Men

Thanks for your time. I'll definitely check out Brain Games, because I'm a fan of yours and a Nat Geo reader. If your ever in my part of the country, I'll have a beer (or whatever beverage you prefer, like a 'microbrew' made from a computer-generated recipe) waiting for you.

cworsh41 karma

What's your creative process? Where do you go/what do you do to let your 'ideas have sex' as I've heard you call it?

cworsh41 karma

Come to LSU. We've got a friggin' Tiger on campus, man. If that's not worth seeing, I don't know what is.

cworsh41 karma

Also, this is more of a request, but you should totally write more. If you write anything like you speak, I'd read every word. (And consider this my official job application if you're ever in need of a ghostwriter/PR dude/drinking buddy.)

cworsh41 karma

What's the best comedy advice you've ever received? Worst comedy advice you've received?

Enjoyed you in BR. Always love when white Conservatives feel awkward as shit because of something they find equally offensive and hilarious.