Highest Rated Comments

cssher248 karma

Yeah you really zoned in on that tempo. Perhaps my favorite example is "She Knows", thats a sick damn beat. What was the production process like for that one, did you start with piano hits or add them in after setting up the beat? Cause the beat drop plays with timing a bit and its so friggin dope.

cssher53 karma

I heard the writers had Rosewood being invaded by a rogue Targaryen army and all of Rosewood High being exiled to Winterfell. The network said they liked it, but it was a little too parallel to another show

cssher38 karma

Drowning, kissing without permission, trying to manipulate Emily into going to Stanford, blatantly breaking promises… you know, #JustPaigeThings

cssher33 karma

Cue "Aria looks into mirrors" compilation vid

cssher21 karma

you'll understand why when A is revealed, and A's motivation for being A is revealed

Ooh that's juicy. Glad to see you emphasizing motivation as I sometimes worried there wouldn't be much of one.

And that's one of things I feel like is odd about the show--the liars seem to rarely wonder why A is playing with them, they're mainly concerned with catching him/her