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crossdl63 karma

Season 4 was the last season because you started to see the writing simply peppering sex and death of close characters to drive the drama.

I've been telling everyone I know that since watching Breaking Bad, I'd love to have Vince Gilligan do his take on Dexter. Less for the cinematic sensibilities and more for the "Wife finds out early but is a hostage to her circumstances" sense. You could find a lot of drama in Rita having found out Dexter is a serial killer but too meek and afraid to reach out to authorities, with Dexter trying to both express his care for them, his need to kill, and his need to control Rita so she doesn't go and tell someone. Really flirting with the line of an abusive relationship, so maybe not the most enlightened work, but telling a story of having to strike that balance.

Instead, they killed her because she got in the way and then sent her kids away and then gave Harrison to a baby sitter all so Dexter could run around fucking and killing who he pleases.

crossdl5 karma

I enjoyed DAROS and wondered if the message at the end about death being broken in comics was especially important to you. Can we expect that you'll be eager to kill your characters to pull us from our lull of disbelief that people we like can die? Will Joss Whedon feel like you're taking his thing?

Also, in DAROS, when you say "Superman is back?", it looks like you're about to cry. Were you?

crossdl1 karma

Leinenkugel beer was the first that I ever had many years ago. It was a Honey Weiss. I still have the bottle among my keepsakes.

I guess my question is do you think it'd be strange to get a glass case to put the bottle in?