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croatcroatcroat20 karma

I have 3 auto immune disorders; Hashimoto's, diabetes, and Vitiligo each of which was my immune system attacking my organs (Thyroid, Pancreas and Pigmentation). Thankfully for me all 3 disorders have been fully controlled through diet; by completely avoiding wheat gluten, (my Endocrinologist suggested I try a gluten free diet while my Thyroid was failing) and combined with a very low carbohydrate diet I no longer require diabetic medication, my depigmentation has stopped spreading, and my failing Thyroid has fully recovered. For me an underlying autoimmune response to wheat gluten was the cause of a myriad of medical problems and treating the symptoms of Hashimoto's and Diabetes was far less productive then resolving the underlying cause.

croatcroatcroat6 karma

My understanding is that cannabis used to sleep causes a disruptions of REM sleep (when we dream) but no longer term negatives results have been shown. But when ceasing cannabis usage REM returns with a vengence, it’s as if all the years of limited dreaming with cannabis has stored away endless vivid dreams, and the first weeks without cannabis to sleep are vivid-ultra-real -dream-wonderlands.


croatcroatcroat5 karma

I appreciate your candor and clarifying explanation .

croatcroatcroat2 karma

Sunshine Radian carseats will fit 3 across in the back seat of nearly every new car. They worked fine in my 1997 honda civic. 3 rear facing 3 front facing or any combination there of. They are for 6lb infant to 45+lbs.

croatcroatcroat2 karma

r/keto r/paleo are two sub-reddits that support gluten free, low carb eating --both of which helped my diabetes.