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crimsonnate56 karma

How often do you have this conversation:

"Well yeah, I produce and I'm a musician and I'm trying to get--"


crimsonnate13 karma

I’m going to end up with the same surgeries you’ve had. I was told the jaw slide basically gives you a new face outline and you can feel like you look very different. Any insight into this?

May your nights be clench free and your mornings migraine-less.

crimsonnate11 karma

I’m not in Canada so mine will be as soon as I can come up with 7-fucking-thousand dollars.

Don’t feel obliged to answer any of this but, yeah, I have all kinds of questions (never met anyone IRL that has severe TMJD):

•Did a dr or surgeon ever do some weird test where they connect a machine and computer to your head to see where your bite-placement should actually be? A previous dr was going to charge me some insane amount of money (thousands) for that test and I never went back to him.

•When I was 14, I went to a dentist and orthopedic surgeon about headaches and jaw popping. I was told that it’s TMJ, it’s something 14-year-olds get and it will clear itself up. That was 24 years ago. Anything like that happen with anyone else? Wtf, Drs!? Fucked my whole life up with that mis-Information.

•You ever wear a splint? Doc told me I have to wear mine 24hrs a day/7 days a week. I have severe overbite, hence the jaw misalignment, so this splint was huge in my mouth to cover all the bases. My dog ate it like 4 days later. $900 wasted. I would never have worn it regardless of how much I practiced saying the names of states starting with the letter M.

•I’m several drinks in and hot about this shit now. How about the fuckin’ “oh, that’s dental insurance” then to be told “no, it’s a health issue so it’s health insurance” then “it’s health but in a dental way so call them back and convince them to pay it” and back and forth and back forth? Anyone?

•this sounds like BS, you ever heard it: I had one surgeon tell me that you can tell the severity of your TMJ based on how late your jaw pops when opening your mouth. He said mine was the worst he had ever seen in 35 years. #SoProud

crimsonnate3 karma

I posted this TIL a couple years ago about the rigorous process of becoming a tomb guard. Is that info inaccurate?

crimsonnate2 karma

I think that person knows you and is fucking with you.