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crimson77730 karma

So would you classify yourself as a Universalist, in that case? Just wondering, because I love this kind of theology.

crimson77711 karma

I'm guessing the argument, which seems kind of obvious when you think about it, is that an animal can't consent to anything like that. I mean, yeah, an animal can consent to you petting it, but do you really think anything an animal does means that it understands and agrees to marriage? I'm guessing you see that that's ridiculous, and so should most people.

crimson77711 karma

I believe that's the gist of it, yeah. That's an interesting take, so you're not 100% universalist, but close. And I agree, I'm not sure who would resist God's grace the whole time they're sitting wherever you sit when you're not in Heaven but you're not dead.

crimson7773 karma

And when you describe it that way, it turns out we didn't even need West Side Story.