Highest Rated Comments

criminalpiece1139 karma

Your dad seems like a winner.

criminalpiece150 karma

Wilfred is pretty much the darkest comedy on American tv. I find both series do well at blurring the line between comedy and drama.

criminalpiece40 karma

Yeah you got me there, although louie seemed to get more dark after the first season whereas it's pretty much Wilfred's MO from the start. I wouldn't say MUCH darker though. Sure it deals with dark themes sometimes, but it's mostly highlighting the complex life a comedian. Wilfred's darkness is much more psychological and deeply engrained in its storytelling.

criminalpiece16 karma

Point taken on Louie, but I can and never will take It's Always Sunny seriously (downvotes welcome), which IMO is needed for dark humor.

criminalpiece3 karma

Glad everyone is ok. What exactly do you think is the source of your depression? Surely having a mentally unstable father plays a role in that, but after some self-reflection do you find yourself relieved to have strayed from that path, or are you worried that you are indeed your father's son? In my more light-hearted experiences I have developed a world view that starkly contrasts that of my entire family, which is undyingly conservative and less tolerant (if you will) than I am. When I consider the gene pool I wonder how I ended up so different than my father, and thinking that I'm NOT all that different is a scary/sad thought. How do you think your father has contributed to your values system?