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crazu94 karma

Kidney doc here, once you get to dialysis creatinine and urea become almost meaningless (to the patient at least). Fluid balance and potassium are the only things you need to think about once you start dialysis.

crazu27 karma

Not really, biopsy can sometimes come back completely normal and leave everyone none the wiser, or they might have missed the kidney with the needle. Obviously would be nice to get a diagnosis but life isn't always that kind.

crazu24 karma

As someone who has done the 70 hour course with MDA, from my experience (Haifa, Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem) over almost a year, it was almost always just myself and the driver (a highly qualified medic). When we were joined by anyone else it was always by the useless 15/16 year olds doing work experience.

crazu15 karma

Do you have a knifewrench?

crazu9 karma

September 2011 to September 2012 is when I was in Israel, I was with MDA almost from the beginning of that time. I did around 500 hours volunteering in the ambulance.