Highest Rated Comments

crappycollagenhaver89 karma

yeah this sucks. it's ruined online support groups for me. being young and having eds rn you get a lot of "did you just find that on tiktok?" "are you looking for attention" etc. really really blows because i've had this forever!!! why would i fake something that ruins my life ! lol

crappycollagenhaver32 karma

i'd love to go to the gym, but the condition of my joints has basically ruled that out for me. i get elbow dislocations carrying in my groceries, and i often wake up with knee/knuckle/ankle dislocations or subluxations, for context as to how mine works! if i were to work out, it would just degrade my joint tissue even further.

crappycollagenhaver26 karma

it's more common in women, or at least thought more often to be. diagnostic rates don't really reflect the actual rate of occurrence with stuff like EDS- it's so often misdiagnosed that people don't know they have it.

crappycollagenhaver24 karma

you're lucky! the incidence rate varies based on type, but the overall for all the ehlers-danlos syndromes is 1 in 5000. the only other people i know who have eds are my mom and sister LOL

crappycollagenhaver23 karma

17 in two weeks. LOL. just for simplicity's sake, i rounded up :')