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crankypants_mcgee65 karma

Is okay. I fix.

crankypants_mcgee56 karma

porn stars before and after make-up those girls wear a lot of product

crankypants_mcgee1 karma

Not really a question but a suggestion (if you feels like it), the "Cowhead Show" in Tampa, hosted by Mike Calta, do Sporcle bits (they take Sporcle quizzes on air and compete against each other) and they seem to genuinely love the game. Might be nice to try and see if you can get on the phone on the air with him sometime if you have something to pimp.

crankypants_mcgee1 karma

Oh, I agree completely man. My wife is a teacher and I see first hand constantly that if people would be one tenth as involved in their kid's education as they are in Facebook, many of the problems (not all by ANY means) ruining education in America would be ameliorated.

Unfortunately, rather than do that most people bitch that it's lazy teachers/stupid unions/unfunded schools/bad politicians, etc in order to avoid doing something about it themselves. Are there those things? Yes, there will always be some bad teachers, some union abuses, many schools will be underfunded for years and many of the people in position to do the most about it rapidly (politicians) are spineless cowards who only do what they think will get them re-elected or "donations" from lobbyists. Many people look at that and sadly take the position that that means it's okay for them not to get involved.

crankypants_mcgee1 karma

1 - Did you ever have an absolute favorite couple who you knew wouldn't win the whole thing?

For example mine would be Courtney and Gev from season 4. They were great and I loved them to pieces but the competition that year was so brutally talented I knew they wouldn't go all the way (although Courtney has blossomed into a bonafide powerhouse by what we saw when she All-Starred).

2 - Has any piece of original or "lesser known" music ever gotten the response that Jar of Hearts did? How certain were you it was something special before it actually aired AND do you think it was aided by the routine Stacey Tucci choreographed?