Highest Rated Comments

cpittella8 karma

Hello! What advice would you give to someone applying to the Philosophy graduate program at MIT? ps: Love the Paradox & Infinity course (specially the extra/bonus parts)!

cpittella2 karma

PvsNP: what are, in your opinion, the most promising avenues of inquiry into that question? Lastly: do you consider promising any of the proposed solutions at http://www.win.tue.nl/~gwoegi/P-versus-NP.htm?

cpittella1 karma

I was wondering what would be the professors' views on Charles Sanders Peirce (who may deserve more recognition than what has been given to him)?

cpittella1 karma

Yeah, I was also wondering if Forums (such as the edX and reddit) could be less linear (eg. with a constellation of balloons that would grow proportionally to participation), so we would not have to scroll forever... Something more right side of the brain ;)

cpittella1 karma

Thank you!