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connorfc10 karma

One of my jobs with Peter is to pay close attention to the slippery idea-fish that are always swimming by. A few weeks ago at a LAST UNICORN screening in San Antonio, he referred to disliking something so strongly that his feelings on the subject were "north of broccoli." Right on the spot, with the audience as our witnesses, I made him swear to write a children's book story with NORTH OF BROCCOLI for a title. It was just too good to pass up. And now he's doing it.

connorfc7 karma

Human beings are all about connections. We're hardwired to crave them and make them. Since all those universal feelings you cite are affected by our personal experiences -- by our connections -- obviously any technology which makes it easier to connect is going to change how those universals are expressed. Obviously these expressions will vary from individual to individual (some people are going to be assholes no matter what you do) but on the whole I think we're in the process of building a bigger, more empathic sense of the world and the other people we're sharing it with. The "other" is only separate and different when you can fill in the blank space with fear, instead of actual knowledge and communication.

connorfc7 karma

Hey, Cory -- Peter's audiobooks are available through Audible with DRM and through Conlan Press without DRM. Maybe you could work the same kind of deal and sell through two outlets?

connorfc7 karma

Hi, this is Connor Cochran, Peter S. Beagle's editor and associate. I'm online now and happy to answer questions along with everyone else in the ebook bundle team.

connorfc6 karma

The ending of an incredibly obscure but incredibly wonderful first novel called IT HAPPENED IN BOSTON?, by Russell H. Greenan. I was introduced to the book around 1972 and I have been trying to make complete sense of the ending for decades. The last sequence either represents a complete descent into madness by the first-person protagonist, or else success almost literally beyond imagining. A brilliant book. His thriller THE QUEEN OF AMERICA also had a knock-you-down-daring ending, in a totally different way.