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compbioguy56 karma

Yes. Here is a picture of a woman right before she was struck by lightning: http://www.erh.noaa.gov/pit/images/hair.gif

I believe she was on top of sandia mountain in new mexico. Source: http://www.erh.noaa.gov/pit/safe.htm

compbioguy20 karma

That's so disappointing. Anything fans can do to encourage studios to take some risk?

compbioguy9 karma

After growing up in Seattle, living in California and now living here again, my impression is that earthquakes in northern California are more common and tend to be shallower in depth. I felt about one every year or so (in the 3-5.5 magnitude range). Here, earthquakes tend to be bigger, deeper, felt over a wider area and much more rare. Is this a fair assumption?

It also seems to me we are looking at a longer horizon for a damaging earthquake than northern California, but the earthquake could be significantly more impactful here.

Assuming I'm correct (and you can correct me!), if I spend time in both places, are there differences in how I should prepare for earthquakes given the two locales?

compbioguy8 karma

Do you still remember Morse code?

compbioguy5 karma

That probability is far higher than I expected. What is your confidence that the event will be of that magnitude?