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coloradofishtapes229 karma

I'm not OP, but I too am an at-risk youth counselor. I worked in a place exactly like this for almost three years. It did not have a focus on therapy, but more so on the "detention" aspect. The staff were more or less brainwashed (including myself), into a thought process that the heavy hand approach, is the best approach. Now, that may work for the really tough kids that this young man described, but not for kids with say, a pot charge. So, you end up with staff using a blanket approach, which is, as mentioned, borderline abuse. I had come from a very good, recognized treatment center, so I knew what the "right way" was.

In answer to your question, yes there are always good staff, I was one of them. I could change my approach depending on what the kiddo needed, and in the end I was respected by them for that. I just couldn't do it anymore and quiet, didn't have a job lined up, but found my new happy home that is awesome, even if my kids are being turd burglars right now. I had to explain last night, why it's not appropriate to throw glue at people. He's gonna be a tough one to help!

EDIT: Also, I'm almost certain the place I worked at, is actually doing what OP is describing. I need to watch this documentary, crazy shit.

coloradofishtapes12 karma

Hahaha, I had an instructor make us do it for ten. I am certain he was trying to make us have a heart attack.

coloradofishtapes7 karma

God damn, that was cold as ice!!!

coloradofishtapes7 karma

Any interesting stories from the days of the Nintendo Tip Hotline? My parents almost killed me for making a really long call once.

coloradofishtapes5 karma

Hi Colorado USA here! I just wanted to say that I think your country and people are really bad ass, I hope to visit someday!!!

My question is, do you like Gary the Goat? Why does he not actually have a TV show there, he is funny as hell!