Highest Rated Comments

colibri_beleza8 karma

It sounds like your teacher education program was normal. in my opinion, no teacher education program really prepares you for classroom management. How can they? You have to be in the classroom experimenting, applying different techniques and procedures. No amount of abstract information will help you until you can actually be in the classroom practicing.

All first year teachers feel unprepared and underqualified. But unsupported should never happen, although unfortunately it does. This is just part of teaching nowadays. It's a choice we have to make - if we are willing to put up with the immense amount of bullshit that has become a part of the profesion. There are some schools that are better than others. If you have any teaching bone left in your body, I encourage you to seek out a better school. Now you know what to ask about in the interview.

colibri_beleza6 karma

we're not helpless to change it. But it's not easy.

colibri_beleza2 karma

I have a friend who is interested in being a foster parent. But she has limited funds and I am advising her to get her cash flow straight before she takes on more responsibility.

What do you think is the basic income level needed in order to care for foster children? Is it true that foster parents receive cash from the state to take care of a foster child? is this money sufficient?

colibri_beleza2 karma

The loneliness can be crushing sometimes. Besides, people in rural central America tend to be a shy quiet people. So its not easy to make friends even if you're lucky enough to meet someone you have something in common with.

colibri_beleza-1 karma

there's your first mistake. GTFO of arizona!