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coleosis1414258 karma

Here's one he told us about when he spoke at my university:

They were testing the old wives' adage "that cereal is less nutritious than the box it came in."

So they set up three test groups of rats. One, a control group, ate rat food. Another one ate cereal ground up and shaped into rat-food-like pellets. The third ate cardboard ground up and shaped the same way.

They gave the rats their food and left for a few days. When they came back, they found that one of the cardboard rats at the other.

Needless to say, the episode with the cannibal rat never aired...

coleosis1414248 karma

Unfortunately, sometimes we in America fail to consider the dark side of the, "Buck up, kiddo! Rub some dirt on it and move on! You're your own man!" sentimentality. To the point where sometimes we forget that sometimes people just honest to goodness need some goddamn help.

coleosis1414236 karma

I'd prefer that as little as possible stands in the way of a dogfight

This is the inherent problem. Dogfights in space just have no reason to happen. Space combat would likely always be projectiles or lasers fired over distances far greater than visible line of sight.

Space dogfights a la Star Wars are the stuff of Space Fantasy, which is a genre in its own right. if you're making a hard-sci fi space video game, it's gonna be lots of stuff floating around and shooting at other things that are tens or hundreds of kilometers away.

coleosis141498 karma

It wasn't the worry that the cord would fail, I thought it was the worry that she'd break free of it. It was just hooked around her foot.

coleosis141470 karma

You will not be disappointed. He's a master of delivery, and his overt awkwardness onstage makes him incredibly relate-able. You feel like you know the dude after watching his stand-up.