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coffeeisforwimps34 karma

I always wondered who liked him. He drove me nuts on his own show. I stopped listening after he interviewed the mayor of Dunedin (I think) and just kept pressing him about charging some petty criminal with max charges and the guy refused to answer. I thought he was pretty bad in general in his own show.

coffeeisforwimps15 karma

I work a very cushy office job that I really don't like. I can't stand sitting around all day staring at a computer and creating spreadsheets. I've thought about becoming a UPS driver or something of the sort to be outside and not be stuck in one place for 10 hours a day.

So my questions to you are, how did you get involved in this business and do you like it? Most importantly, is the money decent?

coffeeisforwimps15 karma

Technology has progressed significantly since then to include better collaborative tools, better video conferencing, and more reliable internet connections.

Do you really not see the difference between dial up & fax machines vs reliable high-speed wifi and Microsoft Teams?

coffeeisforwimps1 karma

Thanks for the info.. I never even considered the days off not being Saturday and Sunday. The heat and early mornings wouldn't bother me, although I do live in Florida so it would make for long days.

I would take a bit of a pay cut but I could come back to my same company really easily provided I didn't tell someone to fuck off on my way out. Decisions decisions...