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cocuke55 karma

Given the potential to reveal so much to those who want to profit, rather than learn from it, what would be the best way to control the theft and exploitation and possible destruction of artifacts and newly discovered site?

cocuke6 karma

Is there really a TV station for small Mexicans? What do they show? Do small Mexicans have their own radio stations as well? Gracias.

cocuke3 karma

Why are states denying the return to some states that has been happening for some time? It seems management of the species would be better served if it presence was acknowledged.

cocuke3 karma

I am not allowed to give blood anymore because of time spent in Europe during the 80s, mad cow concerns, is organ donation no longer an option and is there an age limit for organ donation? What are your views on donating to body farms for forensic research?

cocuke2 karma

What are your feelings on the direction that the music we get to hear on the radio has taken? It has gotten so bad,in my opinion, that I almost exclusively listen to talk radio and have given up on the music. Nothing seems very inspiring anymore.