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coat-tail_rider180 karma

Don't worry, bro. Seagal's gonna blow your mind with a story from the set:

"It was totally normal." -Seagal

coat-tail_rider7 karma

That was Doug, this is Brian. Same firm. As expected, a lawyer gets off on a technicality.

coat-tail_rider7 karma

Do you think that's somehow specific to video games?

coat-tail_rider6 karma

I think they mean the perspective of the drawing. If that's what it looks like from someone else looking at it, then it would be the observer's right, but it would be your left. And since it's your body, many would argue it's your perspective that counts.

For example, if you're looking at someone face to face, the other person's hand that you perceive as mirroring your own is actually the opposite hand. Their left hand would be across from your right hand. But because it's their hand, you still call it their left hand.

coat-tail_rider3 karma

You've probably got a few of these, but I'm a musician/composer and have been looking to get into doing commissioned work. I would definitely like to talk to you about potentially working with you. I'm assuming you're looking to do your own music for financial reasons, and for the right type of project I would be willing to do it for free.