Highest Rated Comments

cmardeezy815 karma

When coming up with ideas for new episodes for Simon's Cat, other than the cats, what else helps inspire you? Also thank you for the laughs an wanted to say that I'm a huge fan and always tune in when new episodes, as well as being one of the Simon's for whom my own cat is named after :)

cmardeezy812 karma

Thank you for your answer, It's a pretty dramatic event for any of them to go through, luckily though they are returning back to normal and have some peace of mind at night in their new new surroundings and hopefully the funds go through to gain proper shelter.

cmardeezy811 karma

This may have been asked but did any of the administration have to deal with any of the rebels first hand such as did they demand things like payments for "protection", Also how was the children's morale during and after the conflict in Slavyansk? I hope their lives are returning somewhat normally since relocating to Kharkiv. All the best to everyone!!!

cmardeezy811 karma

And thank you for your answer!

cmardeezy811 karma

Hi and thanks for this AMA, as a person who has been around trucks and a lot of family members who are and were truckers it's good to see something like this on Reddit now on to my question out of all the places you have been which was by far the sketchiest? Also have you had to deal with any other drivers who seemed a bit off to you like they could have been a hardcore criminal just by the vibe they gave off?, Since there have been known cases of usually owner-operator truckers mentioned if one of your previous answers since they aren't really tied down to one place and are always on the move.