Highest Rated Comments

cmageeuhlik10 karma

Hello Ms. Lilly! First of all, I admire and respect you so much. You are a real life hero to me-you have been an inspiration for me for many years, and I've learned so much by watching your work, both on camera and off, and I just want to thank you for that. So thank you! Even if you don't know it, you have been a large influence on my life and have taught me some valuable life lessons. Also, The Squickerwonkers is amazing and I love it so much. I can't wait to buy copies for all my friends and family. Congratulations! I'm going to cheat a little on my question here and ask, what's something you don't get asked about enough that you'd like the chance to say a sentence or two about? Something important to you that your fans don't typically inquire about? (P.S. I recently sent a message to your page and it would mean the world to me if you got the chance to read it...what are the chances you'd have a moment to do so? I know you're crazy busy, so maybe in a couple weeks! I know someone else bribed you with money to read their message, but since I am poor and have already donated as much as I can, I will send you a virtual hug in thanks! ;) Thank you and travel safe!)

cmageeuhlik2 karma

I am a complete #SuperELf! Or like to think that I am...but that's the best compliment I've ever gotten, and it came from my hero. This is the best day ever...thank you so much, Ms. Lilly! <3

It sounds very hard to be in the public eye like you are, difficulties with your public image and the representation of that being just one reason why. Yet you have stayed strong and independent despite that. Which is just one more reason that you are my hero. Thank you very much for your response, and I hope you have a good night!