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clever-rabbit21 karma

No, not at most places. They hand out brand new razors and once used they're supposed to chuck them out. Or so I thought at first. Obviously once you find out youre facial hair isn't going anywhere because you're shaving with a piece of tin foil or a coke can, you wake up a little to your situation.

I was legit at one prison where all the inmates stood in a line and took turns shaving with the same razor. I got behind a guy I 100% knew had AIDS and when he turned around to leave his face was all cut up from how dull the razor had gotten. Right then I had a choice, I could a) refuse to shave and take an insubordination DR and go to the box. Or b) bite the bullet and get that beard off and maybe get lucky.

The box was a complete shit hole at this place and had a reputation for the guards cruelly mistreating the inhabitants there, so I took my chances. Basically, I did my utmost to make sure I didn't open any wounds on my own face and prayed for a better tomorrow.

Got tested as soon as I hit the street. By the glory of whatever holy power there is, I made it out okay. And I have a much higher respect for a razor straight out of the packaging now.

clever-rabbit20 karma

I woke up from a nap one evening to the goon squad rushing the dorm. Everybody rolled off their bunks and hit the dirt, I had no clue what was happening. My eyes opened, my bunkie was shaking me and saying calmly,"better get down, goon squad comin."

They tore the whole place apart, nobody moved or said shit. Turns out, dude got stabbed seventy something times in the shower not ten feet away from the officers station. People had been walking around his body for hours going about their normal shower duties before someone finally said something.

Weapon of choice: melted Tupperware container.

Creative bastards

clever-rabbit7 karma

Damn them fellas need to get with the times where you're at. Using a bunk rail was something straight out of those crazy torture porn movies. That shit would've scarred me. I can't imagine having to work myself up to go through with that. Seems like he could've gotten a hold of a razor easier than putting a bunk rail through himself. Don't know what his situation was though so I can't pass judgement.

Btw sorry you had to see that shit man. You seem like you genuinely care about your patients and it doesn't go unnoticed by them, I can promise that. So many times I've been turned away by people who could care less if I was in pain or not. The sheer lack of empathy in most prison medical professionals was staggering for me.

Just you helping these folks does more than you might ever know for them. Knowing you can rely on someone to take care of you when you know you need it goes a long way for some of them. Wish there were more people like you around when I was in that situation. Thanks for being a good nurse and even better person, I'm sure you don't hear that enough at work.

clever-rabbit5 karma

Save your money fam. You're either going to be cold and itchy or sweating your balls off and itchy. Not comfy in anyway. Most of the guys wearing these end up humiliated and hating their situation more.

clever-rabbit5 karma

Most suicides I was around for were done by breaking down a shaving razor that is passed out by staff for a few necessary minutes at a time. You're supposed to return it after shaving, but I've seen guys get pretty creative by inserting a piece of tin foil in place of the razor and then hoping nobody notices when it's returned. From there they can do whatever they want with it. Many times I've unsuccessfully tried to shave with a dead razor, wondering what the real thing was being used for elsewhere.