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civodar109 karma

So liking taller girls runs in the family then, eh?

civodar52 karma

A friend of mine told a teacher she spoke Croatian so they sent her to ESL for a few weeks until her mom found out and insisted they take her out of ESL. The funny thing is she didn't actually know a word of Croatian nor had she even been to any country aside from the one she was living in, she didn't have any sort of speech impediment or trouble with reading or writing either. I once went to a school where like half my class was in ESL, even the ones who spoke perfect English because they had been born to foreign parents, I heard that it was because the school received additional funding for each kid in ESL.

civodar3 karma

It’s like making pancakes. The first one is always a throwaway.

civodar-21 karma

For what it’s worth I thought it was funny and got it right away. Tbf bran flakes are one of my favourite cereals tho

Edit: Why am I being downvoted for this comment?